First things First

5:14:00 PM

Hey all,

Today embarks the first day of my journey.
I put 1 euro for the week!! jeeeej

Here is how my journey has been going:

Saving and not buying snacks HARD! I am not doing a good job at it at all.
why? I get hungry. I somehow convince myself that this time it is okay and somehow justify why I need this chips right now, like so bad.
i totally need this, like, right now.

anyway, see you tomorrow with hopefully with a longer, more organized post.


My Money Saving Journey

4:45:00 PM

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing?

I need to start saving.

I am currently 18 and I want to get some braces.
Making money is very difficult for me, especially since I live in a country with an unemployment rate of around 40 % percent. Yikes.
Sooo I have to still do it.........
How do I plan on doing it you may ask...
Here is how:
Save 1 euro per week. That equals to 52 euros per year.

In order to achieve this new goal of mine, I will have to be consistent and give up on a lot of things.
I want to record the process here so I feel more pressured to actually do it.
"The best predicator for future behaviour is past behaviour". I said this sentence today to refer to one of my friends. Me and my sisters were talking about our weight and my sister mentioned how a friend I am meeting today will surprise me since I will see how much weight she has lost.
I highly doubt it, I said to her. I have been around this friend for long enough to know that she does not follow through. She does not follow through her plans, like ever.
So I highly doubt she will have lost weight. I will see today and will update you. (she hasn't lost weight lol:) )
Anyhow- I started seeing how this relates to me. I am not someone who always follows through either. In fact, I *rarely* follow through.
I always leave things midway which is why I am so scared to start this new journey.
But, I have to. I MUST. I have to change.
See ya tomorrow!

New Job and Failure

1:16:00 PM

Hello beautiful people of the worrrrrrrrrrrrrld,
what's popping?
lol okay I need to calm down.

Today I started my first JOB ever!
Yes, you heard it right, ladies and gentlemaaaan. I am officially an adult!
Now, because I am a memory hoarder I will describe how  that went for me
I started working at a call center.

I didn't hear a thing you just said

I have no idea what to expect from the job. My job is to have people fill this questionnaire, pretty easy right? No, not right. Very left. hehe
So, on my way to the first job I decided to take a short-cut since I wanted to be there a little earlier than usual, because it was the first day and I wanted to make a good impression.
Well, turns out taking short-cuts on your first day to your new job is not the best idea. 
Why you may ask? Yep, you guessed it I.GOT.LOST.
And then I was late :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 
So, I go there. I get my username set-up and everything is ready for me to begin!
I begiiiiiin.
I am so nervous. The manager is standing there beside me telling me that it is okay. She is a good manager. Then she leaves.
So many people are not interested. Then, finally one that is. Wonderful!
I forget to press record, but it could be worse, right?
Then because I want to move on with the questions but also understand what the client is saying I am lost.
And the worst thing is that you can't practice at all. Because you have to make sales every time.
So many mistakes :(.
I made a consistent mistake of not "validating" the addresses. 
What is happeningggg?
And it was so difficult to hear what the client was saying. I am hoping that was the headphone's fault.
This made me think of failure. And how I suck at dealing with it.
When I fail, I freak out. And after I freak out, I start questioning my existence and if I am a failure in total because how could anyone make such a mistake omg what nobody else is making these kinds of mistakes and im the only one and the world is ending... or not.
It is very hard for me to rationalize failure.


Too Good to be True

8:54:00 AM

Hello everyone,

On this beautiful lazy Sunday I decided to write down some of my feelings during the past few days.Lately, life has been good. And I mean really good. Suspiciously good. It's crazy how much I am waiting for something bad to happen. I can't even fully enjoy my life right now because I am scared that something will happen to ruin this high. Brains are weird, huh?Here is a quote that exactly describes how I am feeling:How come we worry the best feelings will fade and the worst feelings will last forever? (Jason Silva's Facebook page)YEP. Exactly. Crazy how you can always find something that relates to your mood on the internet. Here's a picture that explains how I feel currently:

I am of course thankful.
Yesterday I came home after a long, tiring day. And by tiring I don't mean the boring long and tiring, I mean the good tiring. When you've been doing something that means a lot to you, and you enjoyed it, but nevertheless you are exhausted. I came home to a loving, beautiful family.
My parents and sisters were peacefully drinking tea in the kitchen, chatting. 
How beautiful! I thought to myself. I wanted that moment to last forever. 
After I greeted them and politely refused to have some tea ( I had had too much sugar for the day already and I was hyper af), I took a shower, got dressed and went to the living room where my family had moved to lol. I excitedly shared the news about my job interview and how well I thought it went. I also got an email for another job interview for next week. 2 job interviews in a week *in Kosovo*? Is this real life lol? ? ? 
I am not used to this. I am used to shit hitting the fan lol. My life has been a series of Murphy's Law (Murphy's law is a popular adage that states that "things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance," or more commonly, "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong."(Wikipedia)].

Anyway, here's a picture of me during this week at a great place with a great appetite waiting for great food in the company of a great friend.

Time Management and Insecurities

8:12:00 AM

There are so many things that come to mind, so many things on my mind that I frankly don't know where to start.
However, as you can guess it from the title the two major "themes" if you may on my life so far are Time Management and Insecurities.
Let's start with Time Management

Time Management:

I am really bad at managing my time. It is very hard for me to focus in just one thing. Thus, every time I create a schedule I don't even believe that I will follow through. And, for the most part, I don't. For one reason or the other. You want to be productive but there are so many distractions. One thing that has been added to my distraction list recently is the fact that I don't even know why I'm doing what I'm doing. For example if I'm studying I just find it so pointless. So pointless because in the next month, I know I will not remember a thing. This constant search for meaning makes it so hard to focus. What if instead what I'm doing now, I could be doing something more meaningful?
Maybe I should just stop searching for meaning. I find it so selfish. There is this obsession with purpose in my day and age, but maybe there is no such thing. At least, not for everyone. I don't know.


I turned 18 this week and woohoo just like that I am an adult.
I do not like this at all. I feel this instant pressure to be more responsible and somehow I feel more judged. About everything; my looks, my skills, my choices.

The Solution

I think I should chill. Seriously. Not chill as in don't do anything but chill as in stop overthinking everything. Do your best everyday. Sometimes the best you can do is a little thing all day. So be it. Allow yourself to feel, just don't be defined by your feelings.

Thank you for reading,

till next time


Life Updates before OFFICIALLY becoming an adult (yikes)

6:34:00 PM

My first and last post on this blog as a 17 year old!!!
I am turning 18 next Tuesday and am having a mixture of excitement and nervousness towards the future.
I am blessed enough to have a roof over my head and food in my table, however it sucks knowing I am not the one paying for these luxuries if you may!
I will make this post about different topics in my life; topics that have been on my mind this past year.


Yay! College!!, okay not really.
If there is one thing I like about college it definitely is the fact that it somehow forces me to organize and manage my time better. I have made some progress during the last couple of months in time management and could not be prouder of myself for that. However, I do realize I have a long way to go.
I have 9 more exams to go until June, and I am hoping for the best.
                       Picture taken in one of the departments at the Faculty of Philology in Prishtine

2. Projects and Extra-Curricular Activities

Here's where things get tricky. When I try to balance my college life and extra-curricular activities. It takes a lot of energy trying to balance these two. I love planning/organizing different events and activities, but am always wondering if I am getting behind in college because of them. I think I am doing just fine, however the fear is always present.

3. Vulnerability

Wikipedia definition of vulnerability: The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.Vulnerability is something I have struggled and still struggle with. After all, it is always safer to avoid risky situations, and completely placing trust that people won't take advantage of you after you've opened up with them is hard.But, there's a good part of vulnerability. You learn a lot about yourself and those around you by being vulnerable. You feel freer, in a way.

4. Music and Creativity

I got a lot closer to music, reading and creative writing as a 17 year old. I developed a great feeling of appreciation towards good music. It's crazy how music changes your mood.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading!!! I never really knew how much I liked reading until I started reading stuff that I enjoyed. I currently love reading different answers on Quora and some of Shakespeare's plays.
I like writing, but the weird thing about it is that I don't like it ALL of the time. There are periods when I just can't get myself to write something and no matter how hard I try, I do not like what I am writing. Then, there are parts where I just love the process (like now). It's interesting how these "creativity spurs" work.

5. Goals for my 18 year old self

  • invest your time in good relationships
  • create a better work routine
  • keep pushing your limits and getting out of your comfort zone
  • pick up a new skill, and practice enough to get better at it
  • ALWAYS remind yourself that failing does not mean you're a failure just like succeeding doesn't mean you're a big shot. You are a human, who fails and succeeds.
  • spread love
  • pay more attention to yourself, your emotions and aspirations
  • don't be afraid to speak your opinion
  • don't be afraid of thinking too big

Thanks for reading.


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