Hello everyone,
On this beautiful lazy Sunday I decided
to write down some of my feelings during the past few days.Lately, life has
been good. And I mean really good. Suspiciously good. It's
crazy how much I am waiting for something bad to happen. I can't even fully
enjoy my life right now because I am scared that something will happen to ruin
this high. Brains are weird, huh?Here is a quote that exactly describes how I
am feeling:How come we worry the best feelings will fade and the worst feelings
will last forever? (Jason Silva's Facebook page)YEP. Exactly. Crazy how you can
always find something that relates to your mood on the internet. Here's a
picture that explains how I feel currently:
am of course thankful.
Yesterday I came home
after a long, tiring day. And by tiring I don't mean the boring long and
tiring, I mean the good tiring. When you've been doing something that means a
lot to you, and you enjoyed it, but nevertheless you are exhausted. I came home
to a loving, beautiful family.
My parents and sisters
were peacefully drinking tea in the kitchen, chatting.
How beautiful! I thought
to myself. I wanted that moment to last forever.
After I greeted them and
politely refused to have some tea ( I had had too much sugar for the day
already and I was hyper af), I took a shower, got dressed and went to the
living room where my family had moved to lol. I excitedly shared the news about
my job interview and how well I thought it went. I also got an email for another
job interview for next week. 2 job interviews in a week *in Kosovo*? Is this
real life lol? ? ?
I am not used to this. I
am used to shit hitting the fan lol. My life has been a series of Murphy's Law (Murphy's
law is a popular adage that states that "things will go wrong in any given
situation, if you give them a chance," or more commonly, "whatever
can go wrong, will go wrong."(Wikipedia)].
Anyway, here's a picture
of me during this week at a great place with a great appetite waiting
for great food in the company of a great friend.